
Choosing the Right Computers for Your Business

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With the high demands of most businesses today, it’s more important than ever to have a reliable computer system in place.  But having a reliable computer system in place can be expensive and time consuming  – make sure you are choosing the right computers for your business.

Here are three tips to make choosing easier:

1. Know What You Need

The best way to ensure that you choose the right hardware is to know what you need ahead of time.  If you have a DBA department, it’s important to have powerful servers and disk arrays so they can perform tasks quickly and easily.  For customer service representatives who use a lot of software for updating records and case files, a PC or laptop with a large monitor will help them work more efficiently.   Ask yourself what kind of resources your company needs from its computers before going out to shop for new systems.  This not only helps cut down on costs and makes it easier to shop for systems, but also helps you picture how the computers will be used.

Workstation vs. Desktop

It can be tempting to go for a desktop over a workstation, since desktops tend to be cheaper and more flexible. However, keep in mind that you’ll need the added RAM and performance of a workstation if you’re doing heavy-duty graphics or design, 3D modeling and animation, video editing and other high end tasks. Desktop computers may also lack the speed and efficiency for multiple users at once. If your business does not require high-end graphics or processing power, however, then a desktop will do just fine as long as it has enough memory (8GB+) and processing power (3 GHZ).

Choosing The Right Hardware

With the growing popularity of laptops, it’s easy to forget that desktops are still widely used in many offices.  When thinking about purchasing a desktop computer, consider these specifications too:

Boot-up time

Look for fast startup times (less than 15 seconds).  You can also get computers with SSD drives instead of HDDs – they’ll boot up much faster.

Processor speed

Unless you’re planning on doing heavy 3D rendering or video editing, an average processor speed should be fine (above 2GHZ).


Make sure your workstations have at least 4GB of RAM and preferably 8+ GB if you’re going to do high-end tasks like video editing. Higher RAM means more open programs at once, quicker page loads and better results. Again, desktops can sometimes work with less RAM because of their larger size.

Scope for expansion

Be sure that the computer has enough room to expand into down the road. Consider things like whether you may need more RAM or a higher processor speed in the future. This way you’re not stuck with an obsolete system later on.

Hard drive space

Using computers for business purposes? Then make sure your hard drives have lots of storage capacity since this is where files are stored. Desktop hard drives range from 1TB-2TB whereas laptop HDDs often aren’t as large yet still adequate for storing important data collated over time if it’s regularly backed up elsewhere.

Ensure compatibility

In choosing the right computers for your business, make sure that all of the parts on your computer are compatible with each other. Being compatible will save you time when setting up the system since there’s no need to call customer service or DIY fix something that doesn’t connect easily or smoothly together.

Planning for future upgrades

If you’re looking at older models but don’t want an obsolete setup down the road, consider computers Dell’s “business continuity” models that come with a three-year lease.  Every year you can swap out the old hardware for new technology as it becomes available, but don’t worry about having to purchase a whole new system every three years – each year’s upgrade will be minimal and not require a lot of work or time spent.

2. Making Sure You Buy High Quality Hardware

It’s important that you buy high quality hardware to ensure that your company’s computer needs are met perfectly.  You may need a special laptop with strong battery life or an affordable desktop system so you can maximize your savings right away.  Make sure to read reviews before you purchase anything to ensure that what you’re buying is the best quality and will fit your budget.

3. Finding Out What Kind of Warranty You Have Before You Shop

Before you start shopping, make sure you find out what kind of warranty your system comes with.  It’s important to find out how easy it is to upgrade hardware and whether or not repairs and replacements are free if something goes wrong.  If there isn’t a warranty or it’s limited in any way, consider opting for an extended warranty so that your company can get covered should anything go wrong.

In order to choose the right hardware for your business, make sure that you know exactly what resources you need from computers in order to help your business run at its best potential.  When you know what type of hardware you need, make sure to purchase high quality systems made by reliable brands so that they last for years to come.

After you take the time choosing the right computers for your business, it’s important to take a look at how much warranty coverage is available on the systems you’re purchasing.   This will ensure that your company gets exactly what it needs from computers and will keep costs down in the long-term.

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Choosing the Right Computers for Your Business